
Parker IM Blue Multi Pen - Black Ballpoint, Red Ballpoint and 0.7 MM Pencil

SKU: S0712660
Product description

Parker IM Blue Multi Pen Black Ballpoint, Red Ballpoint and 0.7 MM Pencil


Previously the Parker IM Profile 3-in-1 was known as the Vector 3-in-1.
A popular multi-function pen that incoporates black or blue ballpoint, 0.7mm pencil and either a red ballpoint or a PDA stylus. Brushed steel grip and polished chrome trim.


This pen has a gravity-select mechanism - simply push the side-button to retract the current tip; then hold the pen horizontally and turn the whole pen until the correct icon faces you and click the top button. The selected pen/pencil/stylus will then appear. This pen does not operate by twisting the top - despite what the badly-written instructions on the package.

Additional information
Manufacturer: Parker I.M.